Start trading cryptocurrencies today, to make huge returns!
Enjoy easy sign-up and sign-in. Fully responsive and dynamic dashboard.
Enjoy instant verification. Fast completion of orders. 24/7 live support from our dedicated team to assist with any questions.
Your transactions are safe and secure.
Send and receive cryptocurrencies anywhere.
Our website is carefully designed to aid smooth transactions between peers!
Easy matching up of buy and sell orders for seamless transaction.
Multiple defense mechanism to mitigate and prevent threats.
Fast verification of user’s identity.
Enjoy safe and secure transactions through our sophisticated escrow system.
Secured swapping of currencies between users.
We provide 24/7 support to solve any issues.
Easy selection from our list of buyers/sellers.
Easy to use and dynamic user dashboard.
Our customer support extends to non-English speaking users.
Coinbrood P2P connects cryptocurrency buyers and sellers!
When a P2P order is placed, the cryptocurrency asset is saved in a decentralized escrow account.
Use the offered payment method to send money to the vendor. Complete payment and inform the seller.
The escrowed crypto will be released to you once the seller verifies receipt of payment.
Place an ad to sell your crypto assets in a currency of your choice.
The seller saves the crypto asset in a decentralized escrow account if a buyer expresses interest.
The seller is funded after the crypto asset has been escrowed.
P2P transactions has never been easier!
Register and create a wallet in a matter of seconds.
Anyone can place ads to buy or sell crypto. Find the right buyer or seller for you, or post your own ad. You can filter offers by coin type, location and payment method.
After the seller puts the crypto in escrow, and the buyer pays the seller directly using the specified payment method. The crypto is held until payment is made. When the seller confirms the payment, escrow releases the crypto to the buyer.
Typical questions users ask!
Coinbrood is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency marketplace, where buyers and sellers post ads to trade cryptocurrencies through a variety of payment options.
Coinbrood is a global peer-to-peer crypto trading platform that allows buyers and sellers to transact directly. When the two parties enter into a contract, the seller sends the crypto asset from his wallet to an escrow account, and the buyer sends the agreed amount to the seller once the crypto asset is locked in escrow. The escrowed crypto asset will then be released to the buyer once the seller verifies receipt of payment.
Users make use of end-to-end encrypted messages to discuss payment details during transactions.
Safe & secure:- Your transactions are safe and secure. Purchase easily:- Enjoy easy sign-up, easy sign-in and a fully responsive & dynamic dashboard. Instant:- Enjoy instant verification. Fast completion of orders. 24/7 live support from our dedicated team to assist with any questions. Convenient:- Send and receive cryptocurrencies anywhere and anytime.
Static rate means the seller sets own rate to sell his/her crypto asset.
Dynamic rate means the seller lists his/her crypto asset at the real time market value. (Note you can list at % above or below real-time market value).
A wallet is a digital location where cryptocurrency coins and tokens can be stored. A wallet address is a combination of digits and letters that are produced at random and associated with a specific wallet. On Coinbrood, you can either create or use an existing wallet address to store your cryptocurrency, which automatically saves it into a decentralized escrow account.
Coinbrood referral is a reward scheme created for our valued customers. Share a referral link on your social media platform and you get £5 reward on the first transaction made by the newly referred user.
Navigate to the "My offer" page and find "Create offer" to either buy or sell from the list of cryptocurrencies. Then select the country you are listing from, select the payment method of choice; select the currency you accept, set the price rate, set minimum and maximum trade size and also create a title for your offer.
On the "My offer" page, find the offer you want to cancel from the list of offers, select the action to either deactivate or edit the offer.
Navigate to settings and select my settings to enable or dis-enable Google authentication.
On the "My wallet" page, from the list of coins type select the action to either deposit or withdraw. You can also view your activity log.
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